Nursing Schools

The job opportunities for individuals in the nursing industry are ever growing. The education to become a nurse is growing as well. There are several different levels of nursing programs and degrees that someone interested in this sector of the health care industry can go through.

Getting Certified

The first step toward a nursing degree will come in the form of a Certified Nursing Assistant,. The CNA, or certified nursing assistant, will assist LPN’s and RN’s with the job of caring for the basic needs of a patient. To obtain a certificate for this type of nursing position the person must take classes through state-approved training programs. These courses normally last for less than 12 weeks.

Studies during the course will include both class work as well as clinical hours. After the training course and number of clinical hours have been met the student then will take an exam to obtain the certificate. CNA's can be found working in places like nursing homes and rehabilitation centers.

Different Paths After Getting Certified

CNA's can go on to pursue even higher levels of education to advance their careers. They can also decide to obtain a certification to become a nurse midwife or even a nurse anesthetist. Those certifications have almost the same requirements as the certification to become a CNA does. The state nursing board will have information pertaining to the educational requirements of any and all nursing positions.

Becoming an LPN

Becoming an LPN, or licensed practical nurse, is another step on the ladder of education that those who wish to pursue nursing may follow. This level of nursing is sometimes referred to as a nurse practitioner depending on the area that they live in. To obtain a license to become an LPN the student will need to gradate an accredited LPN program.

Courses such as chemistry, biology, emergency medical technology and more will need to be passed. Clinical hours will also be part of the curriculum. It typically takes a year to graduate from an accredited program and then the student will need to take the state exam to become licensed. LPN's work under registered nurses and can be found in many different medical settings.

Community College, Nursing College, and Universities

Of course a student may pursue a nursing degree at a community colleges, nursing colleges, or universities.

  • During this process the student may also take core curriculum courses combined with nursing courses to obtain an associates degree in nursing. An associates degree in nursing will take approximately 2 years to complete. As with any nursing or other degree in the health field the state exam must be passed to obtain a license to practice. From this associates degree the student can become a registered nurse.

  • A Bachelor’s degree in a nursing school takes the associate registered nursing degree to a higher level. With a bachelors degree the nurse will be paid more, have more job opportunities, and work in specialized fields. Like most other branches of a nursing education the Bachelors of Science in Nursing program will include both technical and coursework. It will take 3 to 4 years to obtain this type of a nursing degree depending on previous education and the ability to transfer previous credits.